Let's make a note... -StartingFromNothing-

Monday, May 5, 2014

How to add user as sudoers

A few minutes ago I can't install new software in Ubuntu 14.04. It said that my user is not in the sudoers file (or something, I forgot what it clearly said in terminal). So here we go..

1. Open terminal
2. type su -
3. type your user password
4. type sudo adduser your_user_name sudo
5. just it. Hope this help :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Apache 2.4 is running very slow or hangs

I have migrated from XAMPP (which hasn't x64 version) to WAMP (Win x64 version), after run the services several times I found my apache suddenly running very slow and hangs. I don't know exactly what have done. Now, it solved! I find this from google:

Add this configuration snippet to Apache24/conf/httpd.conf (bottom of file seems fine):
AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none

And restart all services. Done! Hope this help.