Let's make a note... -StartingFromNothing-

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


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How to Write Your Program

Presumably you have a thesis topic, and it is time to start developing a program that will implement or demonstrate your ideas about this topic. You have learned how to write programs in previous courses, but usually the program you will write for your thesis is more involved than other programs you have written. Thus, it is important to use good software engineering techniques.

Write a Requirements Document

The requirements document explains what your program is to do. Often the requirements will be quite vague. For example, ``the system must be fast,'' or ``the system must be user-friendly.'' You'll want to write a set of requirements that can serve as a contract specifying what is expected of your program. What's in a requirements document? Abstractly, the answer is very simple: a statement of valid input to the program and a statement of the corresponding output. Your software will operate on some data and derive computed data. The requirements document will clearly state what the input data and output data will be. The requirements document tells what your program will do from the user's perspective.

Write Specification and Design Documents

The specification document explains what the requirements are, but more precisely than the requirements document itself. It restates the requirements from the point of view of the developer. The specifications are explicitly and precisely stated. They are statements that you can design to and test for. Essentially, the specifications define a function from the set of all possible data input to the data output by your program.

The preliminary design document explains how you are going to fulfill the specifications. It is written before you write the program and should include a list of algorithms you will use, major data structures, a list of major functions, their inter-relationships, and the steps you will use to develop your program. Stepwise refinement and information hiding concepts should be used in developing the program, producing a detailed design document.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
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    var s = document.createElement('script');
        s.id = "some-id";
        s.type = "text/javascript";

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